Detroit Bikes! Kicks Off with Spring Training

springtrainingrideThis Saturday, March 21st is Spring Training II, the first Detroit Synergy ride of the 2009.

It’s 16 “relaxed but steady” miles and free.

The ride begins at 10 AM sharp at the Millennium Bell, Grand Circus Park, downtown Detroit.

Helmets are required on this ride.

The Detroit Bikes! Spring Training Ride will cruise past current and past Detroit sports venues, including Tiger Stadium, Olympia Stadium, Recreation Park, and others.

Wear something that represents your favorite Detroit team (professional, college, high school, etc.), such as a T-shirt, bandanna, whatever, and help us challenge Mother Nature to bring the warm weather on!

Additional information is on the Detroit Synergy web site.

Frazz Comic Strip Rules

If you don’t read the Frazz comic strip every day, you might consider doing so. It’s on-line and free.

Below the strip is a Frazz article I wrote nearly five year ago.


Originally printed in the Bent Rim Bugle, Fall 2004.

Frazz: Climbing to the Top

It’s a patented Lance Armstrong move.  When the timing is right, the opportunity is there, you take a chance and sprint past the field on a mountain stage. 

Like Lance, Jef Mallett made his move. He’d always wanted to create a comic strip, the timing was right, and Frazz was born.  From its first publication in April of 2001, Frazz is now carried nationwide in 150 papers, including the Detroit Free Press.

Jef was raised in Big Rapids and his addiction to cycling began with riding to school because he despised taking the bus.  This addiction eventually grew as he entered his first triathlon in Traverse City before diving into road racing and racing the Grattan Series.  Eventually he returned to triathlons and recently finished fifth as the Lansing Legislator race at Sleepy Hollow State Park.

And if you’re an avid reader of the strip, you’ll note that Frazz did the same triathlon.

For those less familiar with the cartoon, Frazz is a thirty-something school custodian who lives an idyllic life being around well-behaved kids and getting plenty of time to ride both on-road and off.  “Frazz is who I want to be,” says Jef.  “Frazz is a just a regular, likeable guy.” 

Jef admits he hasn’t had much time lately to go mountain biking on his Klein Rascal.  Still, while the “Poto is a classic,” Pontiac Lake’s fast and open trail design better suited his “good enough but not great” skills.  He also enjoys Highland and Yankee Springs, while always managing to break something at the Fort.

One other unique feature of the strip is Frazz often wears a T-shirt with a prominent logo, so we gave Jef an MMBA T-shirt for some future consideration.

Trying to Stop Exercising

My unrealistic long term goal is stop exercising.

Instead I want to live an active lifestyle.  Pointless, repetitive bike rides would be replaced with bike commuting.  Running errands would involve… running.

All my outdoor work has always been human-powered except for the electric weed wacker.  I don’t own a snowblower or leaf blower.

I’ve got a 1960s reel lawn mower — the singlespeed of the lawncare world.  As I once quipped to a passerby, it keeps me and my lawn trim.  And trust me, getting this through 4-inch wet grass is quite the workout.

But this whole active lifestyle theme can be taken too far.  It seems “Homeless Dave” from Ann Arbor proves that with his bike-powered laundry machine where he puts the spin in the spin cycle.

Time for Paczki!

Another Fat Tuesday is here and it’s looking I won’t get the chance to bike to Hamtramck for Packi.     Work and politics have gotten in the way yet again.

And it looks like I won’t have a chance to try Jagermeister-filled paczki, which probably is a good thing.

If you don’t know what packi are or would like to get the feel of being in Hamtramck on this day, here’s an entertaining video:

All that and no flats. Amazing!

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