Highlights from the 2004 Race Season

Potawatomi Trail Half-Marathon (Pinckney, Michigan)

My run training went very well through the beginning of April, when I got a shin splint. I took a week off and felt good enough for 13.1 tough off-road trail miles. Bad decision! While finishing a close second in my age-group, I hurt my shin much worse meaning more time off from running. Boo.

24 Hours of Boyne (Boyne Mountain Ski Resort, Michigan)

Originally I’d planned to do this race simply for the training. Twenty-four hours of mountain bike riding can do wonders to ones abilities. However, after the promoter announced the singlespeed winner would go to the World Championships, my focus changed to winning. And that I did by 30 miles. I rode 18 laps (186 miles, 19,000 feet of climbing) in a 34×17 gear. Two solo geared racers beat me so there’s room for improvement.
XTERRA Eastern Championships (Richmond, Virginia)

The shin splint wasn’t kind to my run training and neither were the last minute changes to the Richmond course. The overnight rain caused the river to flood so the swim course was changed, which added a couple more miles of running. Bleeh! I finished a disappointing sixth place in my age-group but the bright side is I didn’t have shin pain.

Leadville 100 (Leadville, Colorado)

I finished my first Leadville 100 on a singlespeed. Not having a bunch of gears made this race feel a lot like my first one. Could I make it up the climbs? Could I ride for 100 miles? Fortunately the answers were ‘yes’ and I finished in 9:28. Everyone thinks I was the first singlespeeder across the line, but without having a separate race category, it’s not official.

24 Hour Solo World Championships (Whistler, British Columbia)

After spending some quality time in Vancouver and Washington, we headed north to Whistler. These trails sure are fun, even after 24 hours of riding. I had a fairly good race and hung with leaders until the early morning. I ended up in third place and one lap down on the two leaders.

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